My Usdt Flash Software allows you to send USDT on the Tron network (TRC20) or Ethereum network (ERC20). These USDT transactions are valid for up to a year, and you can use them for trading, peer-to-peer transactions, swapping, or on various platforms. Each transaction includes a full history and hash for verification. You can send amounts between $5 and $10,000,000 per transaction, with no daily limits. For a secure and fair trade, we use an ESCROW service. You can either use an escrow service you trust or follow our recommended two-party escrow process, which is designed to protect both sides. We will explain this process in detail and ensure you are comfortable with its security before you proceed.

Secure & Safe


  • Confidentiality

    We provide USDT flash loan at 30% interest. You get 70%

  • Testing flash loan quality

    We provide clients with our flash loan software to send test between $5 to $2,000,000.

  • Easy access to personal data

    Our USDT Flash software is easy to use with live guide. Transactions generated have been backdated and scrambled thus can not be traced. Flash will last 1 year.

  • Testing and proactive communication

    First-hand experience using the software to test your wallet. Use the flash to confirm its quality.



    We request that clients provide a valid escrow set ice platform that supports crypto and does not require clients identification.

  • 2 party escrow.

    If client is unable to provide an escrow that passes test then we will upon request provide complete explanation and guide forn2 party escrow without the use of money.

  • Building a new financial network

    We will work with whatever clients that are transparent and are f actual wanting every clear step prove security and legitimacy. Trust is by action not by work.

  • Startups for blockchain

    Flash loan configuration guide for blockchain will be provided by us and assisted.

Our policy and business transaction
Guide and steps.

We offer three secure ways to handle USDT, ETH, BNB, and Bitcoin flash transactions. Each method is designed to keep the process safe and protect both parties from fraud. Here's a breakdown of the options: Method 1: Joint Wallet Creation and Verification Create a Joint Wallet: We create a new wallet together with the client, lose access to it, then flash the wallet address. Transaction Check: The transaction is confirmed on the network to prove it’s real. Security: This method ensures transparency and trust, as both sides can see the process. Method 2: Escrow Transactions Set Up Escrow: We use a trusted third-party escrow service to hold a small amount of funds (up to $100). Test the Tools: The client gets the flash tools and runs a test transaction to any address they choose. Discuss Payment: After confirming the test transaction, we discuss the full payment. Finalize Payment and Tools: The client completes payment through escrow, and we configure the tool for them to flash amounts under $10 million. We get paid after the transaction is verified. Fraud Protection: The escrow ensures both parties are safe, holding funds until the client is happy. Method 3: Direct Payment for Trusted Clients Direct Payment: For clients we know or who are referred by trusted sources, we accept direct payment. Trusted Clients: This method is for clients with a good reputation, reducing fraud risks. Fast Service: After payment, we start the flashing process right away for a quick transaction. Fraud Protection and Agreement Mutual Protection: Both buyers and sellers face fraud risks, so we have strict rules to protect everyone. Policy Agreement: We only work with clients who agree to our policy, ensuring everyone is clear on the process and terms for a safe transaction. By following these methods, we offer a secure and transparent service for USDT and other flashes, protecting both parties from fraud.

Business offer

Purchase / Flash loan

We provide Flash loan at a ratio of 30% for us and 70% for you the buyer. All flash loan must use escrow.

How we do business differently
To ensure trust and safety for both buyer and seller.

#We recommend using a trusted and secure escrow service for any transaction. The escrow should accept cryptocurrency and not ask for personal identification. If the escrow service you provide passes a security check on, we're good to go. If you need us to provide the escrow, we have one we recommend bellow. # Two-Party Escrow Guide for Business Transactions ## Introduction A two-party escrow system is a secure method for handling business transactions. It ensures that both parties involved have control and agreement over the transaction process, providing a high level of security and trust. ## Step 1: Download the Remote App First, you need to download a remote access app. This allows us to connect and share a common screen, facilitating smooth communication and setup. ## Step 2: Set Up a Blockchain Wallet ### Creating the Wallet 1. *Joint Setup:* We will set up a blockchain wallet together. This involves creating an account where one party will hold the email, and the other will hold the password. This split control ensures that both parties must agree to log in. 2. *Deposit:* After setting up the wallet, you will copy the wallet address and make a small deposit of $30-$50. This deposit acts as a placeholder and cannot be removed without the joint agreement of both parties. ### Security Features 1. *Recovery Phrase:* The blockchain system provides a recovery phrase, which is the only way to recover the wallet. This phrase should never be shared or viewed by anyone. It acts as a master key to the wallet. 2. *Email and Password:* The email is used for login authorization, while the password is used for confirmation. Without one, the other is useless, adding an extra layer of security. 3. *Joint Control:* By splitting the email and password between two parties, we ensure that neither party can access the wallet independently. This mutual dependency enhances security and trust. ### Importance of the Recovery Phrase The recovery phrase is crucial for the security of the wallet. It is a sequence of words that can restore access to the wallet if the email or password is lost. Keeping this phrase secret ensures that only authorized parties can access the wallet. If anyone else gains access to the recovery phrase, they could potentially control the wallet, compromising its security. ## Step 3: Software Provision and Testing ### Providing the Software 1. *USDT Flash Software:* I will provide you with the USDT flash software and a complete guide on how to use it. 2. *Test Flash:* You will perform a test flash to understand how the tool works and ensure it meets your requirements. ### Payment and License 1. *Full Payment:* If you are satisfied with the test, you will deposit the full payment into the escrow wallet. 2. *Full License:* After receiving the full payment, I will provide you with the full license, allowing you to use the tool for amounts ranging from $5 to $2,000,000. ## Step 4: Payment Release and Configuration 1. *Configuration:* We will configure and test the tool together to ensure it works correctly. 2. *Payment Access:* Once the tool is successfully configured and tested, you will give me access to the payment. The payment amount will be discussed after the demonstration. ## Benefits of Two-Party Escrow in Business Transactions 1. *Trust and Security:* Both parties have control over the wallet, ensuring that neither can act independently. This mutual control builds trust and ensures that funds are secure. 2. *Prevents Fraud:* The escrow system prevents fraudulent activities by requiring joint agreement for any action. This ensures that both parties are serious and honest about the transaction. 3. *Transparency:* Transactions can be viewed on the public blockchain, providing transparency and accountability. ## Conclusion Using a two-party escrow system for business transactions provides a secure and trustworthy method to handle funds. The joint control over the wallet, the importance of the recovery phrase, and the transparency of blockchain technology ensure that both parties can engage in transactions with confidence. This method protects both parties from fraud and ensures that the transaction process is fair and secure.

Our Best Blockchain
Solution Platform

Unlock the Power of USDT Flash: A Game-Changer for Crypto Trading Our USDT Flash technology offers a unique transaction code that seamlessly integrates into the blockchain, ensuring confirmation and validation across various platforms. Key Features: Extended Duration: USDT Flash remains active for up to 365 days, providing ample time for strategic trading and transactions. Versatile Trading: Compatible with major platforms like Binance, OKX, Blockchain, and more, making it a flexible solution for all your trading needs. Seamless Integration: Effortlessly trade USDT Flash without needing actual USDT holdings, offering unparalleled convenience and efficiency. Experience the future of crypto transactions with USDT Flash, where innovation meets reliability.

  • Blockchain Protocol Support

    Generate flash and inject in blockchain network for validation.

  • Flash duration.

    We inject into the blockchain network using Satoshi hash thus providing a flash that willet up to a year and still get conformations and can be transferred to all platforms supporting Tron network

  • Security Measures

    Transactions can not be traced back.

  • Other Flash loans

    We provide flash loans on ETH,BITCOIN,BNB and USDT.